Synagogue Softball

Over the years, Global Sports has cultivated friendships with various communities across the Caribbean. On one of our recent trips, I had the opportunity to attend a worship service at a prominent synagogue in one of the island nations. During this visit, I was honored to participate in the weekly Torah scroll reading. I also offered a public prayer for the local Jewish community. Following the service, one of our team members, known for his Frank Sinatra-style performances, sang a few songs. His performance was so well-received that the synagogue invited him back for a full concert.

Later that day, we joined a local Maccabi softball team for a tournament. This team, like many others in the region, often competes in international events across Latin America. The event was further enhanced by the participation of former professional baseball players. Over three days, the tournament was not just a display of sportsmanship but also a platform for cultural exchange. Following the event, we donated sports equipment like Gatorade, softballs, gloves, bats, and spikes to the team.

A memorable connection was made with the team's captain, Carlos. He shared his plans to move to Israel with his family. Since I am also planning a trip to Israel later this year, we exchanged emails, hoping to meet again. This experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of sports to open doors and create lasting relationships, allowing us to be witnesses of faith in the most unexpected places.

Matt Davis

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