Global Transport delivers goods and needed supplies to areas lacking essential resources.

Leveraging logistics and utilizing partnerships to deliver much-needed supplies via land, air, and sea.

warehouse shelves

There are millions of dollars worth of medicine and equipment sitting unused in warehouses around America.

Sadly, many of those who could be helped aren't getting the basics of what they need, leading to hopelessness. It also means that tons of perfectly good supplies are going to waste when they could be used for good instead! It doesn't matter if it's medical supplies saving lives or equipment to strengthen the next generation of athletes, we get it to those who need it.

When we partner together, we make a difference.

  • show up

    Show Up

    Showing up is everything, especially when you bring vital equipment and supplies. Putting our words into action, we show up to answer the call.

  • team up

    Team Up

    With our connections in the Go Global Ministries network, we are able to combine efforts, share resources, and maximize the impact.

  • train up

    Train Up

    Our goal is to develop leaders in each community to distribute resources while equipping them to be self-sufficient in the long term.

Discipleship through transportation.

Global Transport can mobilize these resources so it gets where it needs to go, saving money and helping more people at once. Our goal is 100% efficiency – and when we work together to meet physical needs, our teams work together to ensure spiritual needs are being met, ultimately living out our call of making disciples. 

Communities around the globe are promised a lot of things that never materialize.

Global Transport removes skepticism by building relationships, keeping our promises, and resourcing the needs of the community.


“Every trip that I have joined with Jeff Siegel and Go Global has been well organized, rich with ministry and encouraging to those in the countries we serve, but especially those who came on a short-term mission trip. These trips expose people to the harsh realities of many who suffer in poorer countries. It is always amazing, however, to see how well people do with so little when they have hope in the Lord, Jesus Christ.”

- Rev. Tony Loeffler

Tony Loeffler picture

We care about the future of the communities we work with.


We see the need for long-term relationships, and not just a “band-aid” solution. We take the initiative to get to know each community and assess their unique needs before coming in with aid.

We leverage years of experience in transport, from shipping containers to air delivery to on-the-ground transportation, and we know how to get essential goods to communities in need. You can trust us to mobilize resources and help people access life-changing aid when and where they need it most.

We want every person who receives our aid to experience God’s love through us as we provide them with physical relief. That means we need partners like you who understand what it takes not only to deliver life-saving resources but also to share the gospel message along the way. Together, let's mobilize resources and bring hope into communities around the world!


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Matthew 28:19