Matt Davis Matt Davis

The Battle for Israel: Why It's Your Fight Too

The word "shalom" carries a unique weight today, in a time when Israel, the Land of Promise, is in the throes of conflict. As you read this, remember the ongoing struggle and keep Israel in your prayers. I want to explore why this sliver of land is not just a piece of real estate, but a vital part of the narrative of God, and why it should matter to all of us—now and forever.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

The Depth of a Single Word: Why 'So' Drives Our Mission

Why does Go Global Ministries do what it does? It's simple. We are motivated by the profound, methodical love that God has for the world, a love so complex yet so straightforward that it can be encapsulated in a single word: "so." This isn't just a theological point to ponder; it's a call to action that resonates deep within us.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

A Journey of Faith, Service, and Kingdom Impact

The Great Commission calls us to "go and make disciples of all nations," a clarion call that resonates deeply within the mission of Go Global Ministries. We take this call seriously, embracing it as more than an ancient command — it's a present-day assignment that comes with challenges, blessings, and the promise of kingdom impact.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Revival and Awakening: The Stirring of God in Baguio

In these uncertain times, it is essential to share stories that bring hope and renewal. Today, I want to celebrate a story from Baguio, a city nestled in the mountains of the Philippines. It's here where God is undeniably at work, stirring hearts and lives like never before.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Cross-Cultural Disciple Making: 9 Essential Guidelines

Cross-cultural disciple making is an essential aspect of spreading the gospel to unreached populations across the globe. As Christians, we are called to bridge the gaps between cultures, foster connections, and share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. Embarking on this journey can be both challenging and rewarding, but with intentionality, humility, and prayerful guidance, we can effectively engage in cross-cultural evangelism. In this blog post, we'll explore eight essential guidelines that will equip and empower you to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural disciple making and impact lives for the Kingdom of God.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

"Mayim Chaim" - The call to be conduits and not containers of “Living Water”

It’s not enough to simply bring new life into our lives. We have to be channels of this Living Water, bringing healing and hope to those around us. It’s about being like the Sea of Galilee, a living example of the power of God to bring life and joy out of death and sorrow. We can stay connected to His Living Water and remain vessels of life on earth!

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Leveraging Sports Ministry To Reach The Nations With The Gospel

Sports ministry has become a powerful tool in reaching the nations with the gospel. People of all ages and backgrounds, from all corners of the world, love to play sports. Using this shared passion for athletics to spread Jesus’s message can be an incredibly effective way to reach people who may have otherwise been unreachable. Here are three reasons why Go Global leverages sports ministry to reach the nations with the gospel.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Without Chanukah There Would Be No Christmas

The fact that Israel even exists today speaks of the supernatural protection of God’s remnant of his chosen people. God has always promised that a remnant of Jewish people will survive until the end of time.  History and the Scriptures show us over and over that when the Jewish nation follows God they prosper and when they are disobedient they suffer.  Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed, even those of Israel who lead they own astray.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

When Unity Among God's People Leads to Revival

Revival seems like something that happens somewhere else. But it's not. Revival is the result of unity among God's people and the move of the Holy Spirit. Biblically speaking, revival starts with a conviction of sin and a turning to God.

In Manila yesterday, hundreds of believers stood together in unity. As we prayed, the Holy Spirit was so real and tangible. We worshipped and praised God with all of our hearts. There was no holding back – no fear or doubt as we called out to God.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Going on a Go Global Ministries Trip to Israel

We strive to make sure every person who comes on one of our trips is able to connect deeply with both the God of Israel and His people. If you're looking for an opportunity to deepen your faith, support the Jewish people, and bless others through humanitarian aid, then you should consider going on a Go Global Ministries trip to Israel. These are just three of the many reasons why Christians from around the world choose to come on our trips every year.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Go Global Goes To Dominican Republic

“I read somewhere that the words of Jesus never leave us in a neutral position…we either choose to ignore or respond to those words…we were blessed with the chance to respond to His words in the Dominican Republic…painting homes, delivering care packages, praying over poor families and orphans, all while personally growing in faith…”

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Expanding Our Reach In General Santos and Manila

The work of Go Global in the Philippines has been transformative for the people we've been able to help and affirmed to me that the work we are doing here is valuable. I've been amazed at the progress we've been able to make in such a short time.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Go Global Goes To The Philippines

Go Global President, Jeff Siegel, arrived in General Santos the Philippines on Saturday, April 30, for two months of outreach and revival ministry. This area of the Philippines is called the promised land of the Philippines. The first thing that you notice is the amazing natural beauty. But, as you look closer you realize that there is much poverty and a great need for the Gospel here.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Global Sports Baseball Clinic in the USA

Global Sports partnered with Crossroads Church in Newnan Georgia and Doyle Academy to conduct the first Global Sports Baseball Clinic in the United States since the Pandemic began. It’s great to be back working through local churches and key partnerships. By the grace of God, we had 30 coaches on Friday evening and over 140 players on Saturday. The Gospel Message was presented by Brian Doyle and over 100 people made professions of faith in Jesus. Follow-up through Crossroads Church will take place. Those who participated and their families will be invited to church and hopefully more will eventually come to faith and be discipled.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

More Blessings For Nanay Aurora

Global Sports has partnered with Marcelito Pomoy in the Philippines. People’s lives are being changed and you will not believe how…

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