Walk in the footsteps of Jesus as we travel the land of Israel.

November 6-18, 2024

Israeli flag

Join Dr. Jeff Siegel and friends for a once-in-a-lifetime trip walking the Holy Land where Jesus walked with His disciples.

For more information, contact Jeff Siegel by email or call at 678-595-1931

Send payments to:

Go Global Ministries
67 Morgan Lane
Dawsonville, GA 30534

Be praying for our friends and ministry partners in Israel as we speak. We have prioritized not only seeing the land of the Bible, but the chosen people of God living in the land today. This trip is designed to come alongside the people to bring healing and restoration.

If you are interested in joining this trip and still have questions, send an email by clicking the button below. Stay tuned for further updates.

Your guide to prayerful support.

Channel your heartfelt concern into fervent prayer.

Scripture reminds us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and stands as a testament to God's enduring love and commitment to His people (Jeremiah 31:31-37, Romans 11).

  • Pray for Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu's discernment.

  • Pray against anti-Semitism and for the global Jewish community.

  • Pray for the innocents affected - both Jew and Palestinian - and the IDF.

  • Pray against the oppressive acts of Hamas toward the people of Gaza.

Join us to grow your faith as we tell the great story of God.

We will be walking ancient paths and exploring the lands and lessons of the Bible, from Dan to Beersheva. This is not your normal Israel tour. We will dig deep into the Word and teach every site through a Jewish lens, pulling together the Old and New Testaments that will renew your faith.

Join us in reaching the globe with the gospel.

  • Global Sports

    Global Sports is teaching the next generation of young athletes across the globe how to excel on the field and in life.

  • Global Medical

    Global Medical provides medical care and needed supplies to those unable to access them.

  • Global Transport

    Global Transport delivers goods and needed supplies to areas lacking essential resources.

  • Global Generation

    Global Generation is living out our calling to reach the next generation with the gospel and make disciples.

  • Global Training

    Global Training seeks to go into all of the world to bring quality theological training to the leaders of indigenous churches.