GOing with God to make disciples in the Dominican Republic.

Their life will change, and so will yours.

If you're looking for an opportunity to GO and make a real impact in the world, then joining Go Global Ministries on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic is the perfect chance.

By serving others, building relationships, and sharing your faith with those around you, you'll have the opportunity to make disciples for Christ in this beautiful country.

And if you can't join us on this trip, there are still plenty of opportunities to support our efforts financially and through prayer. Your donations help fund our work on the ground, while your prayers provide strength and guidance as we navigate new challenges and obstacles.

So whether you're called to GO or support from afar, we invite you to join us in this important mission of making disciples for Christ in the Dominican Republic. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most!

Join us in reaching the globe with the gospel.

  • Global Sports

    Global Sports is teaching the next generation of young athletes across the globe how to excel on the field and in life.

  • Global Medical

    Global Medical provides medical care and needed supplies to those unable to access them.

  • Global Transport

    Global Transport delivers goods and needed supplies to areas lacking essential resources.

  • Global Generation

    Global Generation is living out our calling to reach the next generation with the gospel and make disciples.

  • Global Training

    Global Training seeks to go into all of the world to bring quality theological training to the leaders of indigenous churches.