Go Global Ministries is a team of ordinary people committed to spreading the love of God across the globe to make disciples.


We are a religious non-profit with a fantastic Board of Directors and advisors to help foster accountability and efficiency in achieving our mission.


Our success is vested in those who get involved with our ministry, and that may include you! Each year we organize many mission trips and reach out through sports to both young and old. Why Sports? Because sports is a truly international language that allows people to find common ground. This is Global Sports.

Over the years as we have brought sports to these communities, we saw greater needs. We saw people needing vital medical attention, without first aid supplies, or the basic necessities to survive like clothing and food. Out of those needs, we developed Global Medical and Global Transport, to further our impact and make disciples.

Our non-profit is an ECFA-certified charity. As a team, we combine our collective expertise in professional sports, business, education, medicine, management, logistical transportation to share the message of hope that leads to life with God.

We have a number of long-standing relationships with ministry partners all over the globe which open many doors. Our experience in working with foreign governments, local officials, and indigenous churches in the countries we visit is unmatched. We have a record that shows how we can reach people and help transform diverse communities with the gospel.

That is why hundreds of short-term volunteers choose to travel overseas with us. You do not have to be a world-class athlete to go global with us. Whatever you have to bring can make a difference in someone else's life.

To find out more about Go Global Ministries, join our team or an upcoming trip, or maybe you have a donation to give, let us know and we’ll be happy to get in touch!