Give to Go Global and partner with us everywhere we go.

Your donation helps establish ministry hubs that make disciples in communities across the globe.

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Go Global Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation supported by charitable donations. Online giving is quick, convenient, and secure.

Make a donation today!

You can make a difference.

Give your TIME.
Give your PRAYERS.
Give your FINANCES.

You see, donating is tax-deductible. Giving is what God asks us to do. You can GIVE your time, your prayers, and your finances. We’re asking you to partner with us by doing all three. Your giving not only grows you but opens the door for Gospel and global impact. We believe that God has called us to engage and change communities around the globe, making disciples who are thriving in every way.

man standing on overlook

Do you have goods or supplies to donate?

Beyond the financial gifts, our ministries depend on getting valuable sports equipment, medical supplies, and other forms of humanitarian aid. If you have access to any of these supplies and are in a position to make a donation, we’d love to talk!