Global Medical provides medical care and needed supplies to those unable to access them.

More than healing the body, we seek to heal the soul.

nurse helping woman

Our hearts break over the many lives lost due to the lack of access to healthcare.

As Global Sports has opened up schools to teach youth sports in underserved communities around the world, we couldn’t ignore the millions of people in these developing countries who miss out on important medical treatment because it's too expensive or not available locally. An estimated 1 billion people live without access to medical care and over 6 million children die each year from preventable causes. These communities are suffering. 

When we partner together, we make a difference.

  • show up

    Show Up

    We are consistent and follow through when we work with communities. We believe that relationships are key to unlocking the potential for impact.

  • team up

    Team Up

    We bring together all parts of the Go Global Ministries network to partner with local leaders in providing resources that lead to significant life change.

  • train up

    Train Up

    Our goal is to develop leaders in each community to distribute resources while equipping them to be self-sufficient in the long term.

Globally, there are people who desire a healthy and thriving existence but are unable to access medical assistance.


By supporting Global Medical you are helping us save lives by ensuring that those most in need have access to life-saving medicines and procedures at no cost. It’s not just physical lives that are at risk, we care about the souls of these communities. We believe that this simple act of providing access to basic health services can help change lives both physically and spiritually, and give people hope for a better future.

Bodies have been healed.
Lives have been changed.

nurse helping in clinic
children smiling

Our vision is to leverage years of experience in medicine to develop clinics to be held on an ongoing basis in countries where Global Sports has a presence, always sharing the Gospel as we share our expertise and compassion.


Staffing the clinics.

These clinics are staffed by Global Medical volunteers alongside local healthcare professionals, providing primary care and referrals for more involved care.

A well-stocked pharmacy.

Each of our locations has a pharmacy stocked with items specific to the location, overseen by trained professionals.

Knowledge exchange.

Our healthcare professionals share their expertise with local providers, helping them to become current in the latest diagnostics and treatments.

Creating self-sufficient communities.

The goal of this approach is to work with local communities to help them become self-sufficient after Global Medical leaves.

doctor with stethoscope

Everyone deserves access to high-quality medicine regardless of their income level or location.

We bring well-trained medical professionals, willing volunteers, and needed supplies. As we grow our network, our goal is to empower local communities with the tools they need to lead healthy lives.

If you have gifts in the healthcare field and would like to help us bring healing to bodies and souls, let us know so we can serve together.


“Making disciples of Jesus is the overflow of the delight in being a disciple of Jesus.”

— David Platt