Global Sports is teaching the next generation of young athletes across the globe how to excel on the field and in life.

We enlist the finest athletes from all around the world to teach skills and grow disciples who follow Jesus Christ.

Brian teaching youth Bible study

Sports are fun, but you can only have fun if you know how to play. 

We’ve been there as athletes. We’ve fought through the strikeouts and missed shots and want to show the way not only to success in sports but success in life through a relationship with Jesus. This is why we partner with churches around the world to bring experience and expertise through world-class coaches to help grow a generation of athletes committed to being and making disciples. 

When we partner together, we make a difference.

  • show up

    Show Up

    We are consistent and follow through when we work with communities. We bring in world-class coaches from around the world to teach youth how to play their game.

  • team up

    Team Up

    The greatest lessons in life happen in the context of a team. When we team up, we give the tools to help build a generation who is making an impact on their community through sports.

  • train up

    Train Up

    We establish schools across the globe to teach an expanding variety of sports, including baseball, softball, basketball, and soccer. With the right knowledge, we will produce success on and off the field.

Do you want to make a difference in the world?


We can imagine the feeling of scoring a goal, making a basket, or hitting the homerun. It’s an incredible high that we all want our children to experience. That’s why we started Global Sports – to give kids all over the world a chance to feel that joy and grow in their skills.

Global Sports is on a mission to serve underprivileged communities around the world by bringing quality sports training to kids who are desperate to grow.

We believe that through sports, we can teach kids essential life skills that will help them succeed both on and off the field.

With your help, we can establish schools for training young athletes all over the globe. These athletes will then go on to become leaders in their communities and disciples of Jesus Christ.

At Go Global Ministries, we are INTENTIONAL to:

Marty Clary family picture

Marty Clary

Atlanta Braves Pitcher ‘87-90

“I have been blessed to serve in Israel, the Dominican Republic, and many other nations. I was a part of sharing Christ’s love through baseball training and playing and coaching. I never cease to be amazed at how much God uses sports to tear down walls and defensiveness and allows human beings to truly open to the hurts of their life and the hope offered in a relationship with God. Nothing puts my priorities in order like experiencing the joy on people’s faces that we share our lives with knowing that they have no luxuries and no riches other than the hope that God has put in their hearts. Come join us on a trip to minister to others and see God change you as he uses you to touch others.”

Stories That Encourage And Build Your Faith

teaching sports camp in stadium

Brian Doyle, New York Yankees

“Our goal is to see athletes use their platform for good by impacting others in their communities with the love of Jesus Christ.”