Go Global Goes To Dominican Republic

I had the privilege of being a part of a ten-person group from Fairfax Community Church in Fairfax, Virginia, from July 29 through August 6. For our duration, we partnered with SCORE International to provide us with shelter, food, and transportation around Santo Domingo.

Our mission was to work with our sister church Accion Misionera Los Palmares, and Pastor Juan Santos in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Accion Misonera Los Palmers is one of the first churches Fairfax Community Church planted over 30 years ago with Pastor Juan Santos. Our mission was to work with Pastor Santos and his church community to help show the love of Jesus by helping with painting projects and feeding a village.

We painted three houses and attended Pastor Santo’s church with a lovely service with dance interpretation by some of the children. It was also Father’s Day in the Dominican Republic, and we were fortunate to see how much the kids appreciate and love their father. Our mission also took us to a village that was started by a member of Pastor Santos church to help the village children grow up to be good Christian men and Women and to raise a Christian family.

In this village, we fed 21 families that would provide food and nourishment for approximately 1½ weeks that only cost $20 per family. Not only did we feed them as we handed the package of food to each family, but whoever handed over the food would pray for that family.

Finally, we visited a girls’ orphanage where some in our group brought items for the girls, and us, to play with, including crayons, colored pipe cleaners, coloring books, and the ever-popular bubbles. The girls even sang a song for us. It was tough to leave them.

We had devotions each day while in the DR and ended our last devotion on Friday evening on the beach at Juan Dolio. The devotion was awesome, and everyone spoke of their experience, with one young lady dedicating her life to Jesus. She was so on fire for Jesus I baptized her in the pool at SCORE. What a way to end the trip.

A couple of responses from those on the trip will provide an overview of their thoughts about being on this trip:

“I read somewhere that the words of Jesus never leave us in a neutral position…we either choose to ignore or respond to those words…we were blessed with the chance to respond to His words in the DR…painting homes, delivering care packages, praying over poor families and orphans, all while personally growing in faith…”

- AS

“For me personally this trip was not just about accomplishments.  It was about seeing God’s love in each person we met and sharing that love.  It was a gift to see Maria receive God’s love and graces in the form of baptism our last night together.  What a grand finale!”

- PS

Plans are being made for another trip in 2023. If interested, please reach out to:

- George Murdock

Matt Davis

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