Expanding Our Reach In General Santos and Manila

The work of Go Global in the Philippines has been transformative for the people we've been able to help and affirmed to me that the work we are doing here is valuable. I've been amazed at the progress we've been able to make in such a short time.

I have been spending my time traveling from city to city and developing major partnerships with key individuals that will allow us to have a greater impact. In the coming months, we will be working hard to expand our reach and continue making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Continue to pray as major breakthroughs are happening!

One major point of connection has been with a mega-church of 8,000+ in the city of General Santos. The city of General Santos is located in the province of South Cotabato in the Philippines. It is considered a major urban center and is home to over 800,000 people. The city has a rich history, dating back to the early 1900s when it was founded as a trading post. It is also known for its strong cultural traditions and is home to a number of different ethnic groups.

Our vision for the work of Go Global Ministries in General Santos is to see the city transformed by the power of the Gospel. We are working to establish partnerships with key individuals and organizations in order to reach as many people as possible with the love of Christ. Pastor Jun Malon, the Senior Pastor, is a gem and wants to do a revival service together and also develop a basketball ministry to share the gospel with the youth through sports.

The city of General Santos is a strategic location for the work of Go Global Ministries, and we are excited to see what God will do in and through us in the coming months.

A lady named Margie Jimena, the sister of the late Joel Jimena, has been instrumental in helping our work in General Santos. She is one of the city elders helping with the revival. I recently spoke at her church and the power of God was so strong, it was an amazing time!

I also addressed the church of Bishop Francis, and in attendance was a Spanish Messianic Jew named Francisco Guzman. He asked me to speak on his radio show with co-host Albert Tamlinco, a Chinese believer and prominent Philippine businessman. He works with the Philippine Bible Society, a key national ministry. This ministry has a 12-story building in Manila. This structure is gorgeous, situated on United Nations Avenue and the avenue ends at the American Embassy in Manila Bay, which is a very lovely part of Metro Manila.

We are looking to do a two-day Revival Conference in Manila before I go home. We also spoke about a Christian medical conference in Manila in 2023.

Just in the little time I have been here, I see the Lord using Manila to be a springboard to Asian countries for ministry. I will be leaving the Philippines just six weeks from now, on July 12, and home on July 13. I am excited to see what the future holds for Go Global, and I am grateful for your support as we continue our work in the Philippines and around the world.

Your brother in Yeshua,


Matt Davis

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Go Global Goes To Dominican Republic


Go Global Goes To The Philippines